home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {******************************************************************}
- {* Picture Puzzle is a game that takes a picture of format .NEO, *}
- {* .PI1, .PI2, or .PI3 and let's you break that picture up into *}
- {* several pieces. Those pieces are then shuffled and you must *}
- {* rearrange those pieces into the picture again. This program *}
- {* was written so the author could create routines to read in *}
- {* picture files. It was also written as an introduction to the *}
- {* bit blit operations available on the Atari ST. *}
- {* *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROGRAM Picture_Puzzle ;
- right_arrow = $4D00 ;
- left_arrow = $4B00 ;
- up_arrow = $4800 ;
- down_arrow = $5000 ;
- PF1 = $3B00 ;
- Low_Resolution = 1 ;
- Medium_Resolution = 2 ;
- High_Resolution = 3 ;
- {$I gemtype.pas}
- palet = ARRAY [0..15] OF Integer ;
- PI_Record = Record
- res : Integer ;
- palette : palet ;
- image : Array [1..16000] OF Integer ;
- END ;
- NEO_Record = Record
- res : Long_Integer ;
- palette : palet ;
- miscellany : Array [0..45] OF Integer ;
- image : Array [1..16000] OF Integer ;
- END ;
- scrn_memory = ARRAY [1..16000] OF Integer;
- mfdb_fields =
- (addr1,addr2,wid_pix,ht_pix,wid_wds,flag,num_planes,r1,r2,r3);
- mfdb = ARRAY [mfdb_fields] OF Integer;
- screen,backup,image_area : MFDB;
- screen_buffer : scrn_memory;
- PI_file : FILE OF PI_Record ;
- PI_image: PI_Record ;
- NEO_file : FILE OF NEO_Record ;
- NEO_image: NEO_Record ;
- palette, save_palette : palet ; { working palette }
- Xmax, Ymax, Wmax, Hmax, resolution, dummy, key, event,
- palette_max, vertical, horizontal, rect_width, rect_height,
- left_margin, top_margin, chosen: Integer ;
- msg: Message_Buffer ;
- default_path: Path_Name ;
- block_position: Array [0..21, 0..21] OF Integer ;
- puzzle_solved: Boolean ;
- res_string : Array [0..3] OF Str255 ;
- alert_str: Str255 ;
- {$I gemsubs.pas}
- {******************************************************************}
- {* These two routines are linked with the program. They were *}
- {* taken from O.S.S.'s bulletin board and allow me to use bit *}
- {* blit operations. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE init_form(var form: MFDB ; var addr : scrn_memory ;
- resolution : Integer) ;
- PROCEDURE copy_rect(var s,d : MFDB ;
- from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y, wid, ht: Integer) ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* I call this routine in order to retrieve the current color *}
- {* register settings. This is in order to return the original *}
- {* colors when exiting the program. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- FUNCTION st_clr( register, color: integer): integer ;
- Xbios( 7 );
- {******************************************************************}
- {* These are the random number routines taken from the O.S.S. *}
- {* bulletin board. I call these routines to choose random rec- *}
- {* tangles when I shuffle up the picture. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- Function XB_Rnd : Long_Integer; { get xbios random 24-bit number }
- Xbios( 17 );
- Function Rnd : Real;
- Begin
- Rnd := XB_Rnd / 16777216.0;
- End;
- Function Random( Low, Hi : Integer ) : Integer;
- Begin
- Random := Low + Trunc( Rnd * ( Hi - Low +1 ) );
- End;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This routine is used to determine the mouse x/y position. *}
- {* I previously used the Get_Event function but this was only *}
- {* partially effective as it did not recognize a mouse event at *}
- {* the top of the screen in the menu area. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE sample_mouse(VAR status, x_posit, y_posit: integer) ;
- Ctrl_Parms = ARRAY [ 0..11 ] OF integer ;
- Int_In_Parms = ARRAY [ 0..15 ] OF integer ;
- Int_Out_Parms = ARRAY [ 0..45 ] OF integer ;
- Pts_In_Parms = ARRAY [ 0..11 ] OF integer ;
- Pts_Out_Parms = ARRAY [ 0..11 ] OF integer ;
- control : Ctrl_Parms ;
- int_in : Int_In_Parms ;
- int_out : Int_Out_Parms ;
- pts_in : Pts_In_Parms ;
- pts_out : Pts_Out_Parms ;
- PROCEDURE VDI_Call( cmd, sub_cmd : integer ; nints, npts : integer ;
- VAR ctrl : Ctrl_Parms ;
- VAR int_in : Int_In_Parms ; VAR int_out : Int_Out_Parms ;
- VAR pts_in : Pts_In_Parms ; VAR pts_out : Pts_Out_Parms ;
- translate : boolean ) ;
- begin
- VDI_Call(124,0,0,0,control,int_in,int_out,pts_in,pts_out,false);
- status := int_out[0] ;
- x_posit := pts_out[0] ;
- y_posit := pts_out[1] ;
- end;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* I call this routine to set the color palette to the colors *}
- {* read in from the picture files. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE Set_Palette(pal: palet) ;
- VAR x: Integer ;
- FOR x := 0 TO palette_max DO
- IF x = palette_max THEN
- palette[1] := pal[x]
- 0,4,12 : palette[x] := pal[x] ;
- 1,2,7,8,9,10 : palette[x+1] := pal[x] ;
- 3,11 : palette[x+3] := pal[x] ;
- 5,13 : palette[x+2] := pal[x] ;
- 6,14 : palette[x-1] := pal[x] ;
- END ;
- END ;
- {set colors here}
- FOR x := 0 TO 15 DO
- Set_Color( x, Shr(Shl(palette[x],5),13)*124+62,
- Shr(Shl(palette[x],9),13)*124+62,
- Shr(Shl(palette[x],13),13)*124+62) ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This procedure is called to erase the screen. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE erase_screen ;
- hide_mouse ;
- clear_screen ;
- show_mouse ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This function returns the resolution in which the program is *}
- {* currently being executed. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- FUNCTION Get_Res: Integer ;
- Work_Rect( 0, Xmax, Ymax, Wmax, Hmax ) ;
- IF Wmax=320 THEN
- Get_Res := Low_Resolution
- IF Hmax>200 THEN
- Get_Res := High_Resolution
- Get_Res := Medium_Resolution ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This is the main loop. Within it the picture file is chosen, *}
- {* and then manipulated by the user. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE Main_Loop ;
- VAR file_name: Path_Name ;
- file_to_input, valid_ext: Boolean ;
- x, result, pi1_spot, pi2_spot, pi3_spot, neo_spot: Integer ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This routine will always display the picture image in it's *}
- {* completed form. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE Display_Picture ;
- VAR x: Integer ;
- hide_mouse ;
- copy_rect(image_area,screen,0,0,0,0,Wmax,Hmax) ;
- show_mouse ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This routine allows the user to break up the picture in any *}
- {* combination of rectangles. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE get_squares ;
- VAR x, y, vert_lines, horz_lines,
- offset_1, offset_2, work_1, work_2: Integer ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This routine is called if the user hits the PF1 key while *}
- {* breaking up the picture into rectangles. It allows the user *}
- {* to select the color of the lines which seperate each rectan- *}
- {* gle. Only those colors in the current palette may be chosen. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE change_line_color ;
- VAR color_dialog: Dialog_Ptr ;
- pattern, x, ok_button: Integer ;
- color_item: palet ;
- color_dialog := New_Dialog( 18, 0, 0, 27, 12 ) ;
- ok_button := Add_DItem(color_dialog, G_Button, Selectable|Exit_Btn,
- 11, 8, 5, 2, 1, 0) ;
- FOR x := 0 TO 15 DO
- IF x>palette_max THEN
- pattern := 1 ;
- color_item[x] := Add_DItem(color_dialog, G_Box, None,
- (x*3)+2-(8*(x DIV 8)*3), (x DIV 8)*3+2,
- 2, 2, -1, x|(pattern*16)|4096) ;
- pattern := 7 ;
- color_item[x] := Add_DItem(color_dialog, G_Box,
- Selectable|Exit_Btn, (x*3)+2-(8*(x DIV 8)*3),
- (x DIV 8)*3+2, 2, 2, -1,
- x|(pattern*16)|4096|128) ;
- END ;
- END ;
- FOR x := 0 TO 15 DO
- IF x = chosen THEN
- obj_setstate(color_dialog, color_item[x], checked, false) ;
- set_dtext(color_dialog, ok_button, 'OK', system_font, TE_Center) ;
- center_dialog(color_dialog) ;
- dummy := do_dialog(color_dialog, 0) ;
- While dummy<>ok_button DO
- FOR x := 0 TO 15 DO
- IF dummy = color_item[x] THEN
- chosen := x ;
- IF Obj_State(color_dialog, color_item[x])&checked=0 THEN
- obj_setstate(color_dialog, color_item[x], normal, true) ;
- obj_setstate(color_dialog, color_item[x], checked, true) ;
- obj_setstate(color_dialog, color_item[x], checked, true) ;
- obj_setstate(color_dialog, color_item[x], normal, true) ;
- END ;
- IF Obj_State(color_dialog, color_item[x])&checked<>0 THEN
- obj_setstate(color_dialog, color_item[x], selected, true) ;
- obj_setstate(color_dialog, color_item[x], checked, true) ;
- obj_setstate(color_dialog, color_item[x], normal, true) ;
- END ;
- dummy := redo_dialog(color_dialog, 0) ;
- END ;
- Line_Color(chosen) ;
- end_dialog(color_dialog) ;
- delete_dialog(color_dialog) ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This is the beginning of routine get_squares. The user uses *}
- {* the arrow keys and the PF1 key to break up the picture. The *}
- {* user may hit the escape key at any time whereupon the program *}
- {* will return to the file selection menu. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- display_picture ;
- horizontal := 1 ;
- vertical := 1 ;
- line_style(1) ;
- draw_mode(1) ;
- event := Get_Event( E_Keyboard, 0, 0, 0, 0, False,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- key, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy ) ;
- WHILE (key=right_arrow) OR (key=left_arrow) OR
- (key=up_arrow) OR (key=down_arrow) OR (key=PF1) DO
- CASE key OF
- right_arrow: IF horizontal<22 THEN
- horizontal := horizontal + 1 ;
- left_arrow: IF horizontal > 1 THEN
- horizontal := horizontal - 1 ;
- up_arrow: IF vertical<22 THEN
- vertical := vertical + 1 ;
- down_arrow: IF vertical > 1 THEN
- vertical := vertical - 1 ;
- END ;
- IF key=PF1 THEN
- change_line_color ;
- display_picture ;
- vert_lines := 0 ;
- horz_lines := 0 ;
- left_margin := 0 ;
- top_margin := 0 ;
- rect_width := Wmax ;
- rect_height := Hmax ;
- hide_mouse ;
- IF vertical>1 THEN
- vert_lines := vertical-1+2 ;
- rect_width := (Wmax-vert_lines) DIV vertical ;
- left_margin := (((Wmax-vert_lines) MOD vertical) DIV 2) + 1 ;
- IF rect_width=0 THEN
- vertical := vertical-1 ;
- UNTIL rect_width>0 ;
- END ;
- IF horizontal>1 THEN
- horz_lines := horizontal-1+2 ;
- rect_height := (Hmax-horz_lines) DIV horizontal ;
- top_margin := (((Hmax-horz_lines) MOD horizontal) DIV 2) + 1 ;
- IF rect_height=0 THEN
- horizontal := horizontal-1 ;
- UNTIL rect_height>0 ;
- END ;
- IF left_margin>0 THEN
- offset_1 := left_margin-1
- offset_1 := left_margin ;
- IF top_margin>0 THEN
- offset_2 := top_margin-1
- offset_2 := top_margin ;
- IF vertical>1 THEN
- work_2 := (horizontal*rect_height)+horz_lines+offset_2-1 ;
- FOR x := 1 TO vert_lines DO
- work_1 := (x-1)*(rect_width+1)+offset_1 ;
- Line(work_1, offset_2 , work_1, work_2 ) ;
- END ;
- END ;
- IF horizontal>1 THEN
- work_2 := (vertical*rect_width)+vert_lines+offset_1-1 ;
- FOR x := 1 TO horz_lines DO
- work_1 := (x-1)*(rect_height+1)+offset_2 ;
- Line(offset_1, work_1, work_2, work_1 ) ;
- END ;
- END ;
- show_mouse ;
- event := Get_Event( E_Keyboard, 0, 0, 0, 0, False,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- key, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy ) ;
- END ;
- FOR x := 0 TO horizontal-1 DO
- FOR y := 0 TO vertical-1 DO
- block_position[x,y] := x*vertical+y ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This routine is called after the user has broken up the pic- *}
- {* ture into rectangles. This routine randomly shuffles up *}
- {* those rectangles. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE shuffle_picture ;
- VAR x, x1, x2, y1, y2, hold: Integer ;
- hide_mouse ;
- FOR x := 1 TO horizontal*vertical*2 DO
- x1 := Random(0,horizontal-1) ;
- x2 := Random(0,horizontal-1) ;
- y1 := Random(0,vertical-1) ;
- y2 := Random(0,vertical-1) ;
- hold := block_position[x1,y1] ;
- block_position[x1,y1] := block_position[x2,y2] ;
- block_position[x2,y2] := hold ;
- copy_rect(backup,screen,rect_width*y1+y1+left_margin,
- rect_height*x1+x1+top_margin,
- rect_width*y2+y2+left_margin,
- rect_height*x2+x2+top_margin,
- rect_width,rect_height) ;
- copy_rect(backup,screen,rect_width*y2+y2+left_margin,
- rect_height*x2+x2+top_margin,
- rect_width*y1+y1+left_margin,
- rect_height*x1+x1+top_margin,
- rect_width,rect_height) ;
- copy_rect(screen,backup,0,0,0,0,Wmax,Hmax) ;
- END ;
- show_mouse ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This routine is called after the rectangles are shuffled. *}
- {* The user must now rearrange the puzzle by clicking the left *}
- {* button on any two (2) rectangles which will interchange. If *}
- {* the user pushes the right mouse button and holds it down the *}
- {* picture in it's original stage will be displayed. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE exchange_squares ;
- VAR mx1, my1, mx2, my2, x1, y1, x2, y2,
- x, y, hold, left_button, right_button: Integer ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This routine checks to see if the right mouse button has been *}
- {* depressed. If it has it then displays the original picture *}
- {* until the mouse button is released. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE check_right ;
- right_button := Get_Event( E_Keyboard|E_Button|E_Timer, 2, 2, 1, 0,
- False, 0, 0, 0, 0, False, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- key, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy ) ;
- IF (right_button&E_Button)>0 THEN
- hide_mouse ;
- copy_rect(screen,backup,0,0,0,0,Wmax,Hmax) ;
- show_mouse ;
- display_picture ;
- right_button := Get_Event( E_Button, 2, 0, 1, 0, False, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- False, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg, key, dummy, dummy,
- dummy, dummy, dummy ) ;
- hide_mouse ;
- copy_rect(backup,screen,0,0,0,0,Wmax,Hmax) ;
- show_mouse ;
- END ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This is the start of procedure exchange_squares. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- puzzle_solved := True ;
- FOR x := 0 TO horizontal-1 DO
- FOR y := 0 TO vertical-1 DO
- IF block_position[x,y]<>(x*vertical+y) THEN
- puzzle_solved := False ;
- WHILE (NOT puzzle_solved) AND (key<>$011B) DO
- left_button := 0 ;
- WHILE (left_button<>1) AND (key<>$011B) DO
- sample_mouse(left_button, mx1, my1) ;
- IF left_button=1 THEN
- y1 := (mx1-left_margin) DIV (rect_width+1) ;
- x1 := (my1-top_margin) DIV (rect_height+1) ;
- IF (y1>=vertical) OR (x1>=horizontal) OR (y1<0) OR (x1<0) THEN
- left_button := 0 ;
- check_right ;
- END ;
- IF key<>$011B THEN
- {wait for left button up}
- FOR x := 1 TO 30000 DO ;
- left_button := 0 ;
- WHILE (left_button<>1) AND (key<>$011B) DO
- sample_mouse(left_button, mx2, my2) ;
- IF left_button=1 THEN
- y2 := (mx2-left_margin) DIV (rect_width+1) ;
- x2 := (my2-top_margin) DIV (rect_height+1) ;
- IF (y2>=vertical) OR (x2>=horizontal) OR
- (y2<0) OR (x2<0) THEN
- left_button := 0 ;
- check_right ;
- END ;
- IF key<>$011B THEN
- {wait for left button up}
- FOR x := 1 TO 30000 DO ;
- hide_mouse ;
- y1 := (mx1-left_margin) DIV (rect_width+1) ;
- y2 := (mx2-left_margin) DIV (rect_width+1) ;
- x1 := (my1-top_margin) DIV (rect_height+1) ;
- x2 := (my2-top_margin) DIV (rect_height+1) ;
- copy_rect(backup,screen,rect_width*y1+y1+left_margin,
- rect_height*x1+x1+top_margin,
- rect_width*y2+y2+left_margin,
- rect_height*x2+x2+top_margin,
- rect_width,rect_height) ;
- copy_rect(backup,screen,rect_width*y2+y2+left_margin,
- rect_height*x2+x2+top_margin,
- rect_width*y1+y1+left_margin,
- rect_height*x1+x1+top_margin,
- rect_width,rect_height) ;
- copy_rect(screen,backup,0,0,0,0,Wmax,Hmax) ;
- show_mouse ;
- hold := block_position[x1,y1] ;
- block_position[x1,y1] := block_position[x2,y2] ;
- block_position[x2,y2] := hold ;
- puzzle_solved := True ;
- FOR x := 0 TO horizontal-1 DO
- FOR y := 0 TO vertical-1 DO
- IF block_position[x,y]<>(x*vertical+y) THEN
- puzzle_solved := False ;
- END ;
- END ;
- END ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This function checks the resolution passed to it with the *}
- {* current resolution. If they do not match an alert box is *}
- {* displayed saying so and a -99 is returned to indicate that *}
- {* the picture read in can not be displayed in the current res- *}
- {* olution. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- FUNCTION Check_Res(image_res: integer): Integer ;
- check_res := 0 ;
- IF (resolution-1)<>image_res THEN
- alert_str := Concat('[3][',
- res_string[image_res],
- '|resolution to|load this file!]',
- '[Cancel]') ;
- dummy := Do_Alert(alert_str,1) ;
- check_res := -99 ;
- END ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This function reads in a file with the extension of .NEO. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- FUNCTION Get_NEO: Integer ;
- VAR result, x : Integer ;
- Reset( NEO_file, file_name ) ;
- NEO_image := NEO_file^ ;
- IO_Check(False) ;
- Get( NEO_file ) ;
- result := IO_Result ;
- Close( NEO_file ) ;
- IO_Check(True) ;
- IF result=0 THEN
- result := Check_Res(INT(NEO_Image.res)) ;
- IF result=0 THEN
- Set_Palette(NEO_image.palette) ;
- FOR x := 1 TO 16000 DO
- screen_buffer[x] := NEO_image.image[x] ;
- init_form(image_area,NEO_image.image,resolution) ;
- END ;
- END ;
- Get_NEO := result ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This function reads in a file with the extension of .PI*. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- FUNCTION Get_PI: Integer ;
- VAR result, x : Integer ;
- Reset( PI_file, file_name ) ;
- PI_image := PI_file^ ;
- IO_Check(False) ;
- Get( PI_file ) ;
- result := IO_Result ;
- Close( PI_file ) ;
- IO_Check(True) ;
- IF result=0 THEN
- result := Check_Res(PI_Image.res) ;
- IF result=0 THEN
- Set_Palette(PI_image.palette) ;
- FOR x := 1 TO 16000 DO
- screen_buffer[x] := PI_image.image[x] ;
- init_form(image_area,PI_image.image,resolution) ;
- END ;
- END ;
- Get_PI := result ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This procedure is called at the start of the program. It *}
- {* displays the copyright information on Personal Pascal. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE copyright_dialog ;
- VAR copy_dialog : Dialog_Ptr ;
- ACD: Array [0..6] OF Integer ;
- ACD_OK : Integer ;
- copy_dialog := New_Dialog( 10,0,0,36,17) ;
- ACD[0] := Add_DItem( copy_dialog,G_String,None,7,2,0,1,0,0) ;
- ACD[1] := Add_DItem( copy_dialog,G_String,None,5,4,0,1,0,0) ;
- ACD[2] := Add_DItem( copy_dialog,G_String,None,2,5,0,1,0,0) ;
- ACD[3] := Add_DItem( copy_dialog,G_String,None,5,6,0,1,0,0) ;
- ACD[4] := Add_DItem( copy_dialog,G_String,None,2,8,0,1,0,0) ;
- ACD[5] := Add_DItem( copy_dialog,G_String,None,2,10,0,1,0,0) ;
- ACD[6] := Add_DItem( copy_dialog,G_String,None,14,11,0,1,0,0) ;
- ACD_OK := Add_DItem( copy_dialog,G_Button,Selectable|Exit_btn,
- 15,13,6,2,0,0) ;
- Set_Dtext( copy_dialog,ACD[0],'Picture Puzzle Program',
- System_Font,TE_left) ;
- Set_Dtext( copy_dialog,ACD[1],'Written in Personal Pascal',
- System_Font,TE_Left) ;
- Set_Dtext( copy_dialog,ACD[2],'Copyright (c) 1986, OSS and CCD.',
- System_Font,TE_Left) ;
- Set_Dtext( copy_dialog,ACD[3],'Used by Permission of OSS.',
- System_Font,TE_left) ;
- Set_Dtext( copy_dialog,ACD[4], ' Author: Guy Davis',
- System_Font,TE_Left) ;
- Set_Dtext( copy_dialog,ACD[5], 'User Group: San Diego Atari',
- System_Font,TE_Left) ;
- Set_Dtext( copy_dialog,ACD[6], 'Computer Enthusiasts',
- System_Font,TE_Left) ;
- Set_Dtext( copy_dialog,ACD_OK,' OK ',
- System_Font,TE_Center) ;
- center_dialog(copy_dialog) ;
- dummy := do_dialog(copy_dialog, 0) ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This procedure checks the extension of the file selected. *}
- {* This extension can only be .PI1, .PI2, .PI3, .NEO. If none *}
- {* of these extensions are present then an alert box is shown *}
- {* and the user is then asked to read in another file. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- FUNCTION valid_extension(file_name: String): Boolean ;
- pi1_spot := Pos( '.PI1', file_name) ;
- pi2_spot := Pos( '.PI2', file_name) ;
- pi3_spot := Pos( '.PI3', file_name) ;
- neo_spot := Pos( '.NEO', file_name) ;
- IF (pi1_spot|pi2_spot|pi3_spot|neo_spot)<>0 THEN
- valid_extension := TRUE
- valid_extension := FALSE ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This is the start of the main_loop procedure. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- erase_screen ;
- copyright_dialog ;
- valid_ext := FALSE ;
- file_to_input := TRUE ;
- file_name := '' ;
- WHILE (NOT valid_ext) AND file_to_input DO
- file_to_input := Get_In_File( default_path, file_name ) ;
- valid_ext := valid_extension(file_name) ;
- IF (NOT valid_ext) AND file_to_input THEN
- erase_screen ;
- alert_str := Concat('[3][.PI* and .NEO|',
- ' files only!][Cancel]') ;
- dummy := Do_Alert(alert_str,1) ;
- END ;
- END ;
- WHILE file_to_input DO
- erase_screen ;
- IF neo_spot<>0 THEN
- result := Get_NEO
- result := Get_PI ;
- IF result=0 THEN
- init_form(backup,screen_buffer,resolution);
- get_squares ;
- IF key<>$011B THEN
- shuffle_picture ;
- exchange_squares ;
- IF puzzle_solved THEN
- alert_str := Concat('[1][Congratulations!|You solved ',
- 'The|Picture Puzzle!][ Hurray ]') ;
- dummy := Do_Alert(alert_str,1) ;
- END ;
- END ;
- erase_screen ;
- IF result<>-99 THEN
- alert_str := Concat('[3][Illegal picture|format! Pick|',
- 'another file!][Cancel]') ;
- dummy := Do_Alert(alert_str,1) ;
- END ;
- valid_ext := FALSE ;
- file_to_input := TRUE ;
- WHILE (NOT valid_ext) AND file_to_input DO
- file_to_input := Get_In_File( default_path, file_name ) ;
- valid_ext := valid_extension(file_name) ;
- IF (NOT valid_ext) AND file_to_input THEN
- erase_screen ;
- alert_str := Concat('[3][.PI* and .NEO|',
- ' files only!][Cancel]') ;
- dummy := Do_Alert(alert_str,1) ;
- END ;
- END ;
- END ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This procedure is called at the start of the program to init- *}
- {* ialize program variables. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE Initialize ;
- VAR x: integer ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This procedure sets the variables associated with the current *}
- {* resolution. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- PROCEDURE Set_Res_Vars(resolution: Integer) ;
- CASE resolution OF
- Low_Resolution:
- Wmax := 320 ;
- Hmax := 200 ;
- palette_max := 15 ;
- END ;
- Medium_Resolution:
- Wmax := 640 ;
- Hmax := 200 ;
- palette_max := 3 ;
- END ;
- High_Resolution:
- Wmax := 640 ;
- Hmax := 400 ;
- palette_max := 1 ;
- END ;
- END ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* Start of procedure Initialize. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- init_mouse ;
- resolution := Get_Res ;
- set_res_vars(resolution) ;
- screen[addr1] := 0 ;
- screen[addr2] := 0 ;
- res_string[0] := 'Change to low' ;
- res_string[1] := 'Change to medium' ;
- res_string[2] := 'Change to high' ;
- chosen := 0 ;
- Line_Color(chosen) ;
- default_path := 'A:\*.PI*' ;
- FOR x := 0 TO 15 DO
- save_palette[x] := st_clr(x, -1) ;
- END ;
- {******************************************************************}
- {* This is the program loop. Gem is initialized, the program *}
- {* variables are initialized, the main loop is called and then *}
- {* the palette is returned to it's original state. *}
- {******************************************************************}
- IF Init_Gem >= 0 THEN
- Initialize ;
- Main_Loop ;
- Set_Palette(save_palette) ;
- Exit_Gem ;
- END ;
- END.